Terms & Conditions

We at Terminal City Tabletop Convention (TCTC) hold our show to a very high standard and work hard to make sure this is a fun, safe, and inclusive space for all.

By attending Terminal City Tabletop Convention, all exhibitors agree to abide by our Exhibitor Terms & Conditions.

The term “exhibitor” applies to all Vendors, Proto-Alley tables, Demo Drive tables, and Sponsors.

  • All Exhibitors agree to abide by the TCTC Code of Conduct.
  • No illegal activity may be conducted at TCTC by the exhibitor or any employee, agent, or representative of the exhibitor. This includes the sale of bootleg items, any trademarked/copywrited items you do not have permission to sell, and any items prohibited by the Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver.
  • We are a family-friendly show, and as such no explicit material (pornographic) is permitted at TCTC.
  • The sale of any food intended to be consumed during the show is prohibited, except by Vancouver Convention Centre staff.
  • We support artists, writers, and creators. As such, we will not allow any Generative AI content at our convention. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Artwork created by AI.
    • Signs or logos created by AI.
    • Books or content written by AI.
    • Board games or TTRPGs created by AI.
    • Any artwork or content that is based on Generative AI media.
  • TCTC reserves the right to deny the sale of any items by a Vendor.
  • TCTC and Plaid Dog Events Ltd. are not responsible for any lost or stolen merchandise. The Marketplace space will be locked during off hours; the Proto-Alley and Demo Drive space is open at all times.
  • Only Plaid Dog Events Ltd. and designated volunteers, exhibitors designated as Vendors, and Vancouver Convention Centre staff are permitted to sell items during TCTC.
  • Vendors must have at least one representative at their table during Marketplace hours. Proto-Alley and Demo Drive tables must have at least one representative at their table during the show’s core hours.
  • Booth placement is at the discretion of TCTC organizing team. TCTC reserves the right to move exhibitor locations if needed.
  • TCTC reserves the right to select exhibitors based on suitability for our event.
  • TCTC may limit the number of vendors by type due to size limitations of our Marketplace.