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Sponsor Our Event
Get your brand in front of tabletop gamers all weekend, and show your support for tabletop gaming in Western Canada!
Terminal City Tabletop Convention (TCTC) is a Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada-based celebration of all things tabletop gaming. Founded in 2014, TCTC brings tabletop gamers of all ages and genres together for three inclusive days of fun. We feature over 3,500 sq m (38,000 sq ft) of gaming space for board games, role-playing games, card games, and proto games.
Our event has seen consistent growth over the years and we are now the largest tabletop gaming convention in Western Canada. TCTC 2025 is expected to welcome a diverse community of almost 2000 unique attendees (over 5000 turnstyles), with a strong presence of women gamers, LGBTQ+ gamers, BIPOC gamers, and families of all ages. Our event attracts attendees from British Columbia and neighbouring provinces and states, from as far away as California.
Sponsorship Tiers
By participating in TCTC as a sponsor, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct and our Exhibitors Terms & Conditions. TCTC reserves the right to deny sponsors that are not suitable for our event.
Want to sponsor TCTC? Send us an email at
- Access to promote your brand in the Sponsor Channel on the TCTC Discord Server.
- Space on the Sponsor page of the TCTC website to promote your brand.
- Scheduled games submitted to our Sched.
$75 CASH or
$50 IN-KIND and $50 CASH or
$150 IN-KIND
All of the above perks, plus…
- 1 Full Weekend ticket to TCTC 2025
- Name listed in the Sponsor section of our Sched calendar.
- Your logo printed on the Silver sponsor banner at the front entry to our event.
- Featured on the TCTC Social Media.
$350 CASH or
$225 IN-KIND and $225 CASH or $500 IN-KIND
All of the above perks, plus…
- +1 Full Weekend ticket to TCTC 2025 (2 tickets total).
- Your logo printed on the Gold sponsor banner at the front entry to our event (instead of Silver).
- Logo featured on table signage during the event.
$750 CASH or
$450 IN-KIND and $450 CASH
All of the above perks, plus…
- +2 Full Weekend tickets to TCTC 2025 (4 tickets total).
- Your logo printed on the Platinum sponsor banner at the front entry to our event.
- Your logo on TCTC event posters.
- Your logo included in a small size on the front of all attendee badges.
$1500 CASH or
$900 IN-KIND and $900 CASH
All of the above perks, plus…
- Ad space featured on the back of all attendee badges. This takes up approximately 80% of the back of the badge.