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Meet the
Organizing Team
Also known as the Purple Shirts, the TCTC Organizing Team dedicate their time to ensuring an epic and fun three days. Many of us have been volunteers at TCTC since the beginning. If you see us during the event, feel free to say hello!
Managing Director

Andrea Driedger (she/her)
Andrea is a multi-classed Bard-Wizard in real life: a lifelong storyteller, a book devourer, and a drinker-of-all-the-tea. She’s been playing RPGs for over 20 years, and loves a good cooperative board game (bonus points if it’s also a legacy game!). Andrea is a small business owner and certified Dice Dragon, with a professional background in communications and events.

Matthew Seagle (he/him)
Matthew Seagle is an RPG obsessive who found his calling as a forever GM back in high school with AD&D. In his middle age, he now runs several games a week with different systems and groups and never tires of seeing the excitement on his players faces when they work together to solve any challenge presented to them. He is proud of his extensive library of PDFs and books that he reads exhaustively. Schooled in Literature and Film Studies, he uses that knowledge to weave the stories for the players at his table. He and Christoph have been teaming up for several years now to make sure the RPG room is a success. If you ever want to talk about anything related to RPGs, Matthew will always give you a big smile and a passionate discourse about the subject.
Logistics Director

Blair Driedger (he/him)
Blair is passionate about sharing his love of gaming with others! He loves teaching games to new players, and can often be found at friendly local games stores recommending games to other customers. Blair loves playing any kind of tabletop game, though RPGs and strategy games are his favourites. Blair’s professional background is in Business Systems management and Information Technology.
Game Library Manager

Carny Wong (he/him)
Carny’s enthusiasm for gaming spans every corner of the universe from video games to board games to RPGs and everything else in between. Carny’s dedication to gaming goes beyond just playing. He’s an advocate for gaming-based community outreach and is also the founder of Gamers Gaming Charity – A group of gamers dedicated to hosting an annual charity event that raises money for sick kids!
RPG ROOM manager

Christoph Sapinsky (he/him)
Christoph began gaming in the 1980s with a Sega Master System and the red box D&D. He was hooked. After film school and a trip to Europe, he started designing video games in 2002. After a few years of designing other people’s games, he designed and published Free Spacer—an Indie starship TTRPG. He and Matthew nagged the team at TCTC until they allowed them to start the RPG Room. Together, they’ve been running it ever since. During the pandemic, he began working on a game about scholarly spellcasting. It’s still in development, but if you ask him he’ll talk your ear off about Thaumaturgy—A Roleplaying Game of the Scholarly Art Mathematical.